Sponsored Magnolia Research

The Magnolia Society International (MSI) has long operated a research funding program designed to promote research to expand the knowledge base of the members of the genus Magnolia. The MSI Research Committee and Board of Directors recently completed a redesign of the research funding program to provide focus to the effort.
This page is intended to provide assistance to those interested in applying for MSI research funds. The following sections outline funding priorities and the application procedures. Those interested may contact the MSI Research Committee Chair for information:
Koen Camelbeke, Ph.D.
Arboretum Wespelaar
Foundation Arboretum Wespelaar
Grote Baan 63
B-3150 Belgium
+32 (0) 16 60 86 41
Application Timeline
- Each year during its fall or spring board meeting, the MSI board of directors will set a funding level for the coming funding cycle;
- By June 1 of each year funding is to be available and MSI will post on its website the amount available for request and the due date for proposals;
- Proposals will generally be due to the Research Committee Chair by early September with the specific due date to be announced along with the funding level as above;
- The Research Committee will review and rank the submitted proposals prior to the fall board of directors’ meeting;
- At the fall board meeting, the Research Committee Chair will make the committee’s recommendation for funding if a suitable proposal has been received;
- Applicants will be notified following the board meeting.
Depending on the type of research proposed and at the discretion of the Research Committee Chair, one half the funds awarded may be disbursed at the start of the project with the remainder sent to the project leader at a later point. Accepted research proposals are typically funded between $2,500-$5,000 USD.
Application Procedure
All applications should be submitted electronically using this downloadable form. Submit electronically a cover letter from the principal investigator and the completed application to:
MSI Research Committee Chair
Koen Camelbeke, Ph.D.
Arboretum Wespelaar
Foundation Arboretum Wespelaar
Grote Baan 63
B-3150 Belgium
+32 (0) 16 60 86 41
All letters and other supporting materials should be submitted electronically with the proposal. No support materials other than those sent electronically will be considered by the review committee.
Funding Priorities
The following is proposed as a non-prioritized list of the types of projects worthy of consideration for funding from the MSI Dedicated Research Fund. Other projects may be recommended for funding by the research committee if the committee feels the proposed work will result in important advances in research or understanding of the genus Magnolia.
- Red List Status Magnolia projects: Specific species research, ex-situ collection development, and field inventories.
- Grant applications submitted by American Public Gardens Association Plant Collections Network Multi-institution Magnolia participants: Magnolia specific collecting trips, acquisition of magnolias for collections, and funding of specific research projects that would enhance collections. This category includes funds for guest curators or magnolia experts to work on specific collections needs: Verification projects, collections inventorying, database improvements, and curation of specific parts of magnolia collection.
- Development of global consortium for ex-situ Magnolia conservation (future). Funding for gardens and arboreta in global consortium for (1) magnolia-specific collecting trips or (2) funds for guest curators or magnolia experts to work on specific collections needs such as verification projects, collections inventorying, database improvements, and curation of specific activities centered on magnolia collection(s). This category also includes acquisition of magnolias for collections and funding for specific research projects that would enhance collections. The Society is also interested in funding for research and development of a global consortium for ex-situ conservation.
- Collecting trips where magnolias will be collected. The Magnolia Society International will only fund seed/plant collecting activities that can demonstrate that project activities will be carried out according to all applicable laws/treaties governing collection, transport, distribution and commercialization of genetic materials. Magnolia collections must be made available for disseminated to: Members of the NAPCC Multi-institution Magnolia Group, members of the Global Consortium for Ex-situ Conservation of plants (future), and institutions with Magnolia collections are BGCI participants. Funding priority will be given to: BGCI-member institution work related to magnolia collecting, and collection of species that are under-represented in botanic gardens are arboreta
- Scientific Research Projects: Taxonomic studies, habitat studies, genetic studies, propagation methods, breeding programs, and DNA studies
Download and complete this form and email it to our Research Chair.
Questions? Contact our Research Committee Chair:
Koen Camelbeke, Ph.D.
Arboretum Wespelaar