Magnolia Classification
Here you will find the current accepted classification of Magnolia prepared by the Magnolia Society's Scientific Advisor Dick Figlar. For more information on this classification and how it was derived, please see this explanation. For more details on each of the species listed in the classification, please consult the Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, for which several Magnolia Society members serve as peer reviewers.
- Section Kmeria
Magnolia duperreana
Vietnam and Cambodia.
Magnolia kwangsiensis
Yunnan and Guangxi, China.
Magnolia thailandica
- Section Rhytidospermum
Subsection Rhytidospermum
Magnolia obovata
Magnolia officinalis
Western China.
Magnolia officinalis var. biloba
Eastern China.
Magnolia rostrata
Southwestern China.
Magnolia tripetala
Southeastern United States.
Subsection Oyama
Magnolia globosa
Nepal and Burma.
Magnolia sieboldii
Korea and Eastern China.
Magnolia sieboldii ssp. japonica
Magnolia sieboldii ssp. sinensis
Central China.
Magnolia wilsonii
Southwestern China.
- Section Auriculata
Magnolia fraseri
Southeastern United States.
Magnolia fraseri var. pyramidata
Southeastern United States.
- Section Macrophylla
Magnolia macrophylla
Southeastern United States.
Magnolia macrophylla var. ashei
Southeastern United States.
Magnolia macrophylla var. dealbata
Eastern Mexico.